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University of Richmond School of Law

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Hardy v. Norfolk Manufacturing Co.
Citation(s): 80 Va. 404 (-----)
Case Name: Hardy v. Norfolk Manufacturing Co.
Court: Supreme Court of Appeals
Record Number: -----
Date of Decision: April 9, 1885
Appealed From: Appeal from decree of City of Portsmouth Hustings Court, 1882 Oct. 16
Outcome: Rev. in pt., aff. in pt., & fin. decree
Opinion(s): Lacy, J. (with decree)
Briefs: 1. Appellants' brief (Hardy) [38].
2. Brief reply to argument of counsel for [appellees] (Hardy) [26].
3. Brief of counsel for [appellants] (Hardy et al., in the Beaman case) [21].
4. Brief of counsel for [appellant] (Beaman's Adm'r, in the Beaman case) [8].
5. [Brief for appellant] (Beaman, in the Beaman case) [11].
6. Brief of counsel for [appellees] (Bank of Portsmouth; Mercantile Bank of Norfolk; Cameron et al.) [26].
7. Petition for appeal & Record (Hardy et al.) [433, (ii)].
8. Addition to record [2].
9. Petition for appeal & Record (Beaman's Adm'r) [(8), 86].
Location: Spec. Coll. KFV 2445.9 .L3 1883 v.22.--Includes records for Beaman v. Norfolk Mfg. Co., decided in the same suit.