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McGehee v. Edwards
Citation(s): 268 Va. 15 (597 S.E.2d 99)
Case Name: McGehee v. Edwards
Court: Supreme Court of Va.
Record Number: 031595
Date of Decision: June 10, 2004
Appealed From: Appeal from judgment of Clarke County Circuit Court
 Prosser (John R.), J.
Outcome: Rev. & fin. judg.
Opinion(s): Lacy, J.; concur in pt., diss. in pt., Agee, J., with Keenan, J.
Briefs: 1. Opening brief of appellants (McGehee et al.) [iii, 19].
2. Brief of appellee (Drown, as guardian ad litem) [ii, 14].
3. Reply brief of appellants [ii, 9].
4. Joint appendix [i, 113].
Notes: "No brief or argument for appellees H. Robert Edwards, Trustee, E. E. Laird, Jr., Trustee, Amy Patten Davis, the unrepresented appellees, or any other potential beneficiaries."--Opinion.