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University of Richmond School of Law

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Beck v. Shelton
Citation(s): 267 Va. 482 (593 S.E.2d 195)
Case Name: Beck v. Shelton
Court: Supreme Court of Va.
Record Number: 030723
Date of Decision: March 5, 2004
Appealed From: Appeal from judgment of City of Fredericksburg Circuit Court
 Scott (John W., Jr.), J.
Outcome: Aff. in pt., rev. in pt., & fin. judg.
Opinion(s): Lemons, J.
Briefs: 1. Brief of appellants (Beck; Howson; Kelly) [iv, 44].
2. Brief of appellees (Shelton; Jenkins; Timpone) [vi, 46].
3. Reply brief of appellants [iii, 17].
4. Brief amici curiae supporting appellants (Va. Mun. League; Va. Ass'n of Counties) [iv, 19].
5. Brief amicus curiae supporting appellees (Va. Coalition for Open Gov't) [iii, 18].
6. Brief amicus curiae supporting appellees (Am. Civil Liberties Union of Va., Inc.) [iii, 14, (i)].
7. Joint appendix: Vol. I [ix, 529].
8. Joint appendix: Vol. II [ix, 530-801].