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University of Richmond School of Law

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Wilkins v. West
Citation(s): 264 Va. 447 (571 S.E.2d 100)
Case Name: Wilkins v. West
Court: Supreme Court of Va.
Record Number: 021003
Date of Decision: November 1, 2002
Appealed From: Appeal from judgment of City of Salem Circuit Court
 Pattisall (Richard C.), J.
Outcome: Rev. & fin. judg.
Opinion(s): Lacy, J.; concur Hassell, J.
Briefs: 1. Opening brief of appellants (Wilkins et al.) [v, 52].
2. Brief of appellees (West et al.) [vii, 53].
3. Reply brief of appellants [iii, 17].
4. Brief amici curiae supporting appellee (ACLU; ACLU of Va.) [ii, 14].
5. Brief amicus curiae supporting appellants (Rerras) [ii, 23, (22)].
6. Brief amicus curiae supporting appellants (Lawyers for the Republic) [vi, 49, (3)].
7. Brief amicus curiae supporting appellees (Va. Legislative Black Caucus) [vi, 46].
8. Brief amicus curiae supporting appellees (Gov. Warner) [v, 46].
9. Brief amici curiae supporting appellees (DKT Liberty Project; Ctr. for Voting & Democracy; Barron) [v, 30].
10. Reply brief amicus curiae supporting appellants (Lawyers for the Republic) [ii, 15, (5)].
11. Reply brief amicus curiae supporting appellants (Rerras) [ii, 16, (22)].
12. Appendix: Vol. I [viii, 368].
13. Appendix: Vol. II [369-720].
14. Appendix: Vol. III (Trial Transcript Day 1) [721-1104].
15. Appendix: Vol. IV (Trial Transcript Day 2) [1105-1533].
16. Appendix: Vol. V (Trial Transcript Day 3) [1534-1836].
17. Appendix: Vol. VI [1837-2234].
18. Appendix: Vol. VII [2235-2578].
19. Appendix: Vol. VIII [2579-2912, (1)].