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Hughes v. Cole
Citation(s): 251 Va. 3 (465 S.E.2d 820)
Case Name: Hughes v. Cole
Court: Supreme Court of Va.
Record Number: 950520
Date of Decision: January 12, 1996
Appealed From: Appeal from judgment of City of Chesapeake Circuit Court
 Grissom (E. Preston), J.
Outcome: Aff.
Opinion(s): Carrico, C.J.
Briefs: 1. Brief of appellants (950520: Hughes; Johnson; Weeks; Sharpe) [iii, 31].
2. Brief of appellants (950513: Coles) [21].
3. Brief of appellees (950520: Coles) [ii, 21, (2)].
4. Brief of appellees (950513: Decker et al.; Twiford et al.) [iv, 29, (2)].
5. Brief of appellees (950513: Ballance et al.; Marsh et al.) [ii, 19].
6. Reply brief of appellants (950520) [ii, 10].
7. Appellant's reply brief (950513) [14].
8. Joint appendix: Vol. I (950513/950520) [(vi), 323].
9. Joint appendix: Vol. II [(vi), 324-815].
Notes: Decided with: Cole v. Twiford (950513)