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Landmark Communications, Inc. v. Sovran Bank, N.A.
Citation(s): 239 Va. 158 (387 S.E.2d 484)
Case Name: Landmark Communications, Inc. v. Sovran Bank, N.A.
Court: Supreme Court of Va.
Record Number: 880143
Date of Decision: January 12, 1990
Appealed From: Appeal from judgment of City of Norfolk Circuit Court
 Stewart (Robert W.), J.
Outcome: Aff.
Opinion(s): Lacy, J.
Briefs: 1. Opening brief of appellants (Landmark Comms. et al.) [42].
2. Opening brief of appellants (Clark's Heirs) [i, 7].
3. Brief of appellee (Sovran Bank) [v, 45].
4. Brief of appellees (Infants, Unborn & Unknown Def'ts) [44].
5. Reply brief of appellants [iv, 21].
6. Joint appendix [(iii), 333].
7. Joint appendix [334-728].
Notes: "No briefs or arguments for appellees Lucille Turner James [et al.--34 names]"--Opinion.