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Daugherty v. Diment
Citation(s): 238 Va. 520 (385 S.E.2d 572)
Case Name: Daugherty v. Diment
Court: Supreme Court of Va.
Record Number: 871150
Date of Decision: November 10, 1989
Appealed From: Appeal from judgment of Fairfax County Circuit Court
 Bach (F. Bruce), J.
Outcome: Aff.
Opinion(s): Compton, J.
Briefs: 1. Brief of appellant (Daugherty) [iii, 19].
2. Brief of appellee (Fyda) [ii, 17, (30)].
3. Brief of appellees (Diments) [ii, 14].
4. Reply brief of appellant [ii, 13].
5. Appendix [(i), 105].
Notes: "No brief or argument for appellees Harold O. Miller, Trustee, Brian M. O'Conner, Trustee, Douglas E. Bywater, Substitute Trustee, Lawrence LeGallo, Joan LeGallo, David Pitt and Robert J. Koreski"--Opinion.